Operation ‘Bumper Boats’ was an amazing weekend experience for many cadets. Both junior and senior cadets had training to do over the weekend, a bit of a shock first for many of the seniors.
The core of this weekend was all about handling powerboats, and safety on the water; more specifically this weekend was about learning how to drive FRASER’s
Boston Whaler and the Mercury inflatable on the Fraser River .
Senior cadets had a hands on training experience where they were coached through how to safely drive the powerboats and many other evolutions including man-overboard, parking, beaching, approaches and more.
The junior cadets had more theory-based classes regarding on the water safety and preparations to assist them in gaining the knowledge required to write for their PCOC, which for those not so savvy with cadet lingo is the Pleasure Craft Operators Card, or a boating license.
The weather was the worst part of the weekend for many. It was cold, wet, windy, and COLD!
This weekend was an opportunity for cadets to expand on their cadet friends, hang out when not in classes at their Annacis Island home, and learn that when the PO ’s say to dress in layers, it is often the smart thing to do. ;)
This weekend has helped maintained the SEA in sea cadets, and many cadets (junior and senior alike) would gladly go to a weekend similar to operation bumper boats again and again, just as long as the officers order some warmer weather.
~ PO1 A. Gagnon